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5. Diaphragmatic Breathing
This is another great technique to improve your symptoms and is best performed when you feel relaxed, lying down. It is more complex than pursed lips breathing, and therefore you should learn the proper technique from a therapist first.
Start this technique by relaxing your shoulders. Next, place one hand on your chest and the other hand on your abdomen. Breathe in for a couple of seconds. As you inhale, you should feel your belly moving more than your chest, outward. Exhale slowly through pursed lips and press your belly at the same time, so you help the diaphragm get out the air. Repeat.
Be aware that some exercises should be avoided if you have COPD. For example, you should not lift or push heavy weights or walk up steep hills. Also, avoid things like shoveling snow or mowing the yard. Avoid extreme temperatures and drink plenty of water. Keep a fitness diary to stay motivated, track your goals and assess the results, and consider finding a fitness buddy.
While being active is beneficial for managing COPD, you should also take your time to rest, relax, and have 8 hours of sleep every night.
Read more about exercising with COPD over at NewLifeOutlook.
WebMD (10 Smart Exercises for People with COPD)COPD Foundation (Breathing Techniques)Cleveland Clinic (COPD Exercise and Activity Guidelines)PROactive COPD (Strengthening Exercises)While inhalers are one option of delivering medication, a nebulizer for COPD is another. Learn about the pros and cons here.