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3. Strengthening Exercises
Strengthening exercises involve repeated muscle contractions. Focus on strengthening your upper body strengthen the muscles involved in breathing. You can use weights like dumbbells, elastic bands or your body weight when performing these types of exercises.
A good example is arm raises. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding weights in your hands by the side of the body. Keep your arms straight and lift them to the side-to-shoulder height. Next, lower your arms slowly back to the side of your body. Repeat.
Upright rowing is another great strengthening exercise. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart while keeping your arms by your side. Hold dumbbells in both hands, palms facing your body. Lift your hands towards your chest. Repeat.
WebMD (10 Smart Exercises for People with COPD)COPD Foundation (Breathing Techniques)Cleveland Clinic (COPD Exercise and Activity Guidelines)PROactive COPD (Strengthening Exercises)Having a rescue inhaler for COPD ensures you gain relief from sudden symptoms. This article will go over different types and how to properly use them.